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Japan is a country known for its warm hospitality and polite manners. One of the most common expressions you’ll encounter during your visit is “Irasshaimase,” which means “welcome.” This phrase is heard everywhere, from convenience stores to restaurants and souvenir shops. In addition to “Irasshaimase,” there are several other ways to extend a warm welcome in different regions of Japan. In this article, we’ll explore various Japanese phrases that convey the sentiment of welcome and provide some insights on how to respond when greeted.

Irasshaimase (いらっしゃいませ)

“Irasshaimase” is perhaps the most widely recognized way of saying “welcome” in Japan. It’s a versatile phrase used in a multitude of settings, including convenience stores, restaurants, and souvenir shops. When you hear this warm greeting, you’ll know that you’re being welcomed with open arms.

Yokoso (ようこそ)

For a slightly more formal welcome, you might hear “Yokoso.” This phrase conveys a sense of hospitality and is used in settings where a slightly more elevated tone is appropriate.

Regional Variations

Different regions of Japan have their own unique ways of saying “welcome.” Here are a few examples:

Iryaase (いりゃあせ) – Nagoya

When you find yourself in Nagoya, you’ll be greeted with the local expression “Iryaase.” This warm welcome reflects Nagoya’s rich cultural heritage and the friendly disposition of its residents. It’s a testament to the city’s reputation for being one of the most welcoming places in Japan.

Nagoya, known for its historic architecture and vibrant arts scene, has a special way of making visitors feel at home. The use of “Iryaase” emphasizes the city’s pride in its traditions and its openness to guests from all over the world.

Okoshiyasu (おこしやす) – Kyoto

In the ancient city of Kyoto, the preferred welcome phrase is “Okoshiyasu.” This expression carries with it a sense of deep-seated hospitality, perfectly in line with the city’s reputation for preserving traditional Japanese culture.

Stepping into Kyoto is like entering a time capsule of Japan’s past. The narrow streets, centuries-old temples, and tea houses exude an air of reverence for history. The use of “Okoshiyasu” reflects the city’s commitment to preserving its cultural heritage while extending a warm welcome to those who seek to experience it.

Oideyasu (おいでやす) – Osaka

Osaka, with its dynamic street food culture and bustling markets, is a city that exudes energy. When you arrive in Osaka, expect to be greeted with the friendly expression “Oideyasu.”

This welcome phrase perfectly encapsulates the spirit of Osaka. It’s a city that embraces its reputation as the “Kitchen of Japan” and invites visitors to dive headfirst into its vibrant culinary scene. “Oideyasu” is more than a greeting; it’s an invitation to explore and savor the rich flavors of Osaka.

Mensore (めんそーれ) – Okinawa

The tropical paradise of Okinawa, with its stunning beaches and unique cultural traditions, has its own distinctive welcome phrase: “Mensore.”

This expression captures the laid-back and friendly nature of the Okinawan people. In Okinawa, time seems to slow down, and there’s an emphasis on relaxation and hospitality. “Mensore” embodies the island’s ethos of making guests feel like part of the community, where every visitor is a cherished friend.

Responding to Greetings

When you’re welcomed with these phrases, you might wonder how to respond. The good news is, you don’t need to say anything in return. A genuine smile is universally understood and appreciated as a sign of gratitude. It conveys your appreciation for the warm welcome you’ve received.


Experiencing the various ways in which “welcome” is expressed in Japan is a delightful aspect of any visit. From the ubiquitous “Irasshaimase” to the regional variations like “Iryaase,” “Okoshiyasu,” “Oideyasu,” and “Mensore,” each phrase reflects the unique charm of its respective locale. Remember, a smile is the best way to reciprocate the warm welcome you’ll undoubtedly receive during your stay in Japan. So, go forth and explore this beautiful country, knowing that you’re always welcomed with open arms.

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